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Siltronix model 80 VFO and Radio
Hy Range V Hygain 23 channel Radio and Siltronic VFO model 80
3 tube 4cx800 & 3 amp power supply
3cx15000A7 RF Deck and 5 amp power supply 3cx15,000 3cx15000
Pride DX300
Pair of 3cx3000A7
Dual 4cx800 Repair
4CX20,000A Grid Driven AB1 RF Deck
Pair of 3cx5000 \ YC156 YC179 RF Deck with single tube
Cobra 2000 GTL with 2 speakers no mic
Power Supply 1930 volts DC 120 volt primary
pride DX300
Vacuum Capacitor 10-300pf 14K
Browning GoldenEagle Mark 4
Browning Golden Eagle Mark III
Pride DX300 very nice
Turner microphone
Blower 1TDR6
Pride dx300 modified
Grid Dip Meter Millen
Wizard Amp with 2 GI7B tubes