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Vacuum capacitor
Door knob capacitor 1000pf @ 7.5 K volts 10%
LC female QC connector
oil filled capacitor with mounting plates
6KD6 Vacuum tube Used 8 tubes availabla @ $10 each
3cx10,000a7 used 10,000 10000
.02 ohms 300 watt resistor ohmite
3cx800A7 Chimney made from silcone.
High Voltage connector and mounting plate
Resistor 1 meg ohm
Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Board Without the Diodes
7/16 Din QC connetor for the Bird Meter
50KW H1 Bird Slug 2-30Mhz for 1 5/8 Line Section
Gamma Dog leg for Maco Antenna
L4TDM-PSA 7-16 DIN Male Positive Stop™ for 1/2 in AL4RPV-50, LDF4-50A, HL4RPV-50
7/16 Din Female panel mount connector
Resistor Wire Wound 200 watt .18 ohms for mobile applications
Anode Caps Russian Made for the GU74B 4cx800
Anode Cap for larger vacuum tubes.3cx10,000 3cx3000A7 3cx5000 YC-156
Soft Start Kit for large Power Supplies
High Voltage Wire with Millen Male connectors on each end 10ft
3cx3000A7 Econco Rebuild
Rotron Blower
Oil Filled Capacitor 10uf @ 1000V